2025 Cohort start dates:
January 5th | March 2nd | April 27th | (Future Dates TBD)

Frequently Asked Questions
(& their answers!)

1. How much does it cost?

The cohort costs $849. Many people choose to split that cost into 4 payments of $212.25. This is the Early Registration pricing that lasts until ONE MONTH before the cohort starts. After that, the total cost increases by $50.

2. What is the time commitment?

The cohort meets Sunday nights for 8 weeks, via Zoom, for approximately an hour.

Each session is recorded and archived, so even if you have to miss one or two LIVE sessions, you don’t miss out on any information or instruction. Also, the program is not run chronologically. In other words, missing one session doesn’t mean you have to “catch up” before attending the next session.

3. What experience is necessary?

Rich doesn’t discriminate based on age or experience.  He recruits an incredibly diverse cross-section of people.

He’s welcomed high school students as well as 40-year-olds; college students and seasoned pros; Sportscasters from all over the world!

Talent is a given. If he is in touch with you that means he sees your potential. The only other requirement is:  Your talent has to be matched by your PASSION. 

4. What type of Sportscasting does this program focus on?

The BIBT cohort addresses every sportscasting discipline equally. Play-by-Play, Reporting (Sideline, Correspondent), Anchoring/Hosting.

Rich has achieved at the highest levels in each of these categories. The lessons taught are universally beneficial and applicable for all three areas.

Origin Media, Inc.